

发布时间: 2024-05-16 13:36:56北京青年报社官方账号





As the oldest justice, Ginsburg is closely watched for any signs of deteriorating health, even though she has bounced back from previous medical issues.


As the expo is an open market and platform through which China actively sources products and services from overseas into the domestic market, Wang said he believes CIIE sends out a clear message that China is determined to deepen reform and opening-up, and shows the country's strong confidence, capability and sense of responsibility in the global arena.


As we noted Thursday, Bezos and crew are not slowing their employee hiring spree. The company now employs nearly 150,000 employees, having hired about 40,000 people in the past 12 months.


As the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, I regard it as my mission to enhance mutual understanding, mutual trust and cooperation between China and the UK, and to tell the story of the real China to the people of the UK and of the world.


As we speak, China's manufacturing sector is basically open. It is gradually lifting restrictions on access to the modern services sector. And it is opening up the financial sector with accelerated pace and at a higher level. Going forward, China will continue to quicken its steps to increase market access for foreign investment. Take for example foreign ownership caps in joint venture firms in sectors such as securities, future and life insurance. China has brought forward the deadline for lifting the caps from 2021 to 2020. At the same time, China has also cut short the 2019 edition of the negative list on foreign investment, reducing the 48 items on the list to 40.


