

发布时间: 2024-05-17 01:54:23北京青年报社官方账号

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"Even with the tuition fees of my child, I still have more than 10,000 yuan in the bank," he said.


"Extending the application of our product to more scenarios is part of our key work this year," said Mario Ji, vice-general manager of the QQ Music unit of Tencent Holdings Ltd. WeSing, a singing app developed by the internet giant allows users to sing, record and share songs with their friends online.


"Danyang plays a crucial role in the global eyewear market as it produces more than 100 million spectacle frames every year. It accounts for 30 percent of the total spectacle frame output in China. The city produces more than 400 million spectacle lenses every year, accounting for 75 percent of China's production and 45 percent of the global total."


"Diamer Bhasha Dam will be the biggest dam in Pakistan's history," the prime minister said while addressing the public during the launch. "The dam will benefit the country both economically and environmentally, especially the people of Gilgit-Baltistan," he said.


"Eastern and southern provinces, like Guangdong, used to be big attractions for migrant workers. However, the economic slowdown triggered the upgrading of many labor-intensive jobs into more technological ones, saving labor costs," Wen said. "Then, the factories were mostly moved to central and western regions. That's why the western provinces registered such a remarkable increase in migrant workers."


